Try These Winter Thermostat Settings to Save Money
Thermostat settings are a constant source of disagreement in households across the United States, especially in regions of the country that see cold winters. But one area where you may find common ground is a desire to save money on your energy bills.
Even if you don’t have a smart thermostat or programmable features, you can still find ways to save money on your heating by adopting a few simple energy-saving strategies over the winter. You may be able to save around 10 percent per year on energy bills just by adjusting some of your heating and cooling habits.
Here are a few money-saving tips for heaters this winter that you can put into practice.
Consider your lowest comfortable temperature
Setting your thermostat to the lowest temperature at which you will be comfortable will significantly slow down heat loss for homes that have either baseboard heating systems or regular furnaces. This is not true for heat pumps, though, as turning down the heat can actually make the pump less efficient.
The standard “lowest comfortable temperature” is 68 degrees, but this can vary for some people. You may be able to go a couple degrees lower, or 68 might still be a bit too low for you. But consider what your specific lowest comfortable temperature is, and keep it there.
Consider the location of your thermostat
You shouldn’t place the thermostat in a spot where you will have inaccurate temperature readings. If you place the thermostat near sunlight, doorways or drafts, this could result in it giving temperatures that do not actually reflect the conditions in most of the home.
Try installing the thermostat on an interior wall that gets natural airflow. This will usually produce the most accurate readings and thus set you up for better efficiency.
Adjust temperatures when you’re not home
Consider lowering the temperature on your thermostat when you’re not at home. Make sure the home remains comfortable for pets (typically not an issue if they are furry) and that you don’t set the temperature so low that your pipes will freeze. But if you’re going to be gone at work all day, there’s no need to have the heat cranked up. Lowering the thermostat for eight hours a day can save you money.
You can also adjust temperatures while you sleep. Most people sleep better in slightly cool conditions, so don’t keep the heat cranked when you’re going to bed.
Let your household acclimate
Everyone in your home will need a little bit of time to adapt to the colder temperatures after the warmth of summer and early fall. You can lower the temperature gradually after you adjust to the new conditions. Until your body finally acclimates, make it a point to wear layers, use warm socks and bust out the cozy blankets.
These are just a few tips that will help you get more efficient operation out of your heater this winter. For more money-saving tips for heaters that involve your winter thermostat settings, contact Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling.