How To Protect My AC In Summer

Repairman,contractor,on,the,phone,fixing,a,heating,panel,problemHow To Protect My AC In Summer

As summer temperatures soar, air conditioning becomes a necessity. With the hot, humid weather, it’s important to ensure that your AC system is up and running correctly to keep your home comfortable. But, just like any other home appliance, your AC is prone to trouble, especially if it has not been well maintained.

Don’t wait until your system breaks down to address the issue. Instead, take a proactive approach to protect your AC against the summer heat. Here’s what you can do to ensure your AC runs efficiently throughout the summer months:

1. Schedule Regular Maintenance

The first step to protecting your AC is to schedule regular maintenance with a licensed professional. This will ensure that your AC is working optimally and any potential problems are addressed. During maintenance, a professional will inspect and clean the unit, replace any worn-out parts, and perform any necessary repairs to maintain your system’s efficiency and reliability.

2. Change the Air Filter

The air filter in your AC traps dirt, dust, and other particles, preventing them from circulating throughout your home. When the filter becomes clogged, it restricts airflow and reduces your system’s efficiency, which in turn makes it work harder to cool your home. A dirty filter expands your energy consumption and raises your energy bill. Change the filter every 30 days, or as recommended by the manufacturer, to keep your AC running smoothly.

3. Check Outdoor Unit

The outdoor unit is as important as the indoor one– if not more– and it’s therefore crucial to keep it clean and free of obstructions. Check around the unit to make sure that no debris or plants have grown too close to it, which can obstruct airflow. The unit should be placed away from direct sunlight but in an open area, ideally without surrounding walls or other barriers that may affect its performance.

4. Use Ceiling Fans

Using your ceiling fans instead of turning down your AC can significantly reduce your energy bills. Keep your ceiling fans on all day to circulate the cool air around your home. Ceiling fans can cool the air temperature by about 4 degrees, which can help you set your AC at a higher temperature without sacrificing your comfort.

5. Seal Your Home

Air leaks in your home can cause your AC to work harder, resulting in higher power consumption and increased costs. Check around doors and windows for any gaps or cracks and seal them using weatherstripping or caulk. You may also consider adding insulation in your attic to prevent cool air from escaping through the roof.

6. Install a Programmable Thermostat

After you have optimized your home for maximum efficiency, consider installing a programmable thermostat to regulate your AC. These thermostats can automatically adjust the temperature depending on the time of day and your room’s occupancy. You can save on electricity bills by adjusting your cooling requirements when you’re away. A programmable thermostat can make it easy to keep your home at the desired temperature, even when you’re not at home.

7. Install Blinds or Curtains

The sun’s rays can heat your home quickly, increasing your energy bill. To keep the heat at bay, install blinds or curtains on your windows to prevent direct sunlight from entering your home. This will ensure your AC system does not work harder than it should keeping your home cool.

8. Limit Heat-Producing Activities

Appliances that generate heat, such as an oven or stovetop, can significantly increase the temperature in your home during the summer. When possible, cook outside or use a microwave. The more heat you can prevent from entering your home, the easier it will be for your AC system to keep you cool.


Protecting your AC system during the summer requires a bit of effort, but the reward is worth it. A well-maintained system and optimized home will ensure that your AC runs efficiently and that your home remains comfortable throughout the summer months. Regular maintenance, replacing the air filter, keeping the outdoor unit clean, using ceiling fans, sealing the home, installing a programmable thermostat, installing blinds or curtains, and limiting heat-producing activities are just a few ways you can protect your AC in summer. With these tips, you can rest assured that your AC system will serve you well for many summers to come.

What You Need To Know Before Purchasing a New AC Unit

According to research, the lifespan of an AC unit is about 15 years. If your unit is nearing the end of its life or if it needs frequent repairs, it might be time for a new one. But before you purchase a new AC unit, there are a few things you should keep in mind. This short guide will list things to consider before upgrading AC.

What Do I Need To Know Before Upgrading My AC?

There are many things to consider before upgrading your AC unit. Below are a few key things to keep in mind:

What Is the Cost of the New Unit?

The cost of a new AC unit is not cheap. In fact, it can be quite expensive depending on the make and model that you choose. You will also need to factor in the cost of installation, which can range from a few hundred dollars to over a thousand. If you are considering upgrading your AC unit, be sure to research and factor in all the costs before making a final decision.

What Is the Size of the Unit?

The size of your AC unit is critical to consider because it needs to be able to properly cool your home. If you have a large home, you will need a larger unit. Conversely, you will not need such a large unit if you have a smaller home. Be sure to get the proper sizing for your home before making a purchase.

What Is the Efficiency Rating?

The efficiency rating of an AC unit is vital because it will determine how much money you save on your energy bill each month. The higher the rating, the more efficient the unit and the more money you will save. Be sure to compare the efficiency ratings of different units before making a purchase.

The Warranty?

You’ll want to know what you’re getting for your money before signing on the dotted line. Most new AC units will come with a warranty, but ask how long it lasts and what is covered. You don’t want to be caught unaware when something goes wrong and discover that your warranty doesn’t cover the issue.

Some companies will also offer extended warranties for an additional cost. If you’re worried about potential repairs, this may be worth considering, but do your research before signing up for anything. You don’t want to end up paying for something you don’t need.

Energy Efficiency

When it comes to AC units, energy efficiency is always a major concern. After all, no one wants to see their energy bills skyrocket during summer. Fortunately, there are a few things that you can do to make sure that your new AC unit is as energy-efficient as possible.

What Type of Unit Should I Get?

There are a few different types of AC units on the market, and each has its own set of pros and cons. Do your research to figure out which type of unit would be best for your home or office.


Purchasing a new AC unit is a big decision that should not be taken lightly. Be sure to consider all the factors listed above before making your final purchase. By doing your research, you can be sure that you’re getting the best possible unit for your needs. If you need AC installation services, get in touch with Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling today.

Tips to Minimize the Strain on Your AC in the Summer

Summers can bring sweltering weather that ravages your entire HVAC system if you let it. However, you can get on top of it now by implementing a few practices to minimize the strain. These are five tips for keeping your unit stable and productive for summer air conditioning:

1. Keep up with your air conditioning maintenance. 

Many AC units meet their demise because the owner fails to schedule regular maintenance. Processes such as filter replacement, coil cleaning, and moveable part lubrication are crucial to extending the life of your unit. You can get a couple more seasons or years out of your AC system by giving it some extra TLC today. 

2. Keep the cool air inside your home. 

You can also remove some of the burdens from your AC unit by doing your best to keep the chilled air inside your home. These are a few tips for doing that:

Keep doors and windows shut.

Most people let the cold air out by leaving windows cracked and opening doors unnecessarily. You can preserve a tremendous amount of cool air by being mindful of those components. 

Close the blinds.

Closing your blinds can help block the sunlight, which will prevent additional heat from seeping into your cold environment. 

Consider using blackout blinds.

Think about investing in blinds that completely block the sunlight. You’ll most likely gain a few cool degrees by doing so. 

Ensure that your home is well-insulated.

Have someone inspect your home for insulation breaches before the summer months start. That way, you won’t lose any comfort or money during peak season. 

Microwave foods instead of oven-cooking them.

Oven usage will annihilate the cold air quickly, but you can use an alternative cooking method to preserve it. Microwaving and outside grill cooking are two effective alternatives. 

Have a chilled beverage.

Indulge in a delicious smoothie or a gigantic glass of water. This tip won’t help you trap any cool air inside, but it will frost your body and make you feel fantastic.  

3. Alternate AC time and fan usage.

Using fans can help you minimize the strain on your AC system. You may want to consider giving your air conditioner a break every few hours and substituting it with ceiling and floor fans. You’ll enjoy the breeze you get from those fans if you’ve trapped the cool air inside your home successfully.

Old-school hand-operated fans can be a good substitute if you’re concerned about cutting your electricity costs. You can find them online or in a few department stores and from traditional churches. 

4. Consider using smart technology.

Smart thermometers and mobile phone apps can help you control how much work your air conditioner does. You can use them to turn off your AC unit when you do not use it. For example, you can program it to turn your system off when you’re at work or out running errands. The latest systems also offer convenient ways to turn the unit back on before you arrive home again. 

Use the tips above to keep yourself and your family chilled without breaking your HVAC system. Your summers will be happier that way. 

Is My Air Conditioning Going Out? Here’s How To Tell

Your air conditioner is one of those devices you have to watch so it doesn’t die or fail when you need it most. These are some of the most common signs that you might need air conditioning repair:

Your Home Never Cools Off Enough

You might need an air conditioner repair or replacement if you notice that your home never cools off enough. A number of issues could be going on with your AC unit. Dirty filters can restrict airflow, or a clog could also exist in the condenser. Low coolant is another reason AC units stop cooling, but they usually indicate an underlying problem. Another issue likely to cause cooling problems is that your home has insufficient insulation. That has nothing to do with the air conditioner itself, but you should have someone inspect and resolve it to get maximum results after your AC repair. 

You Have a Large Electric Bill

Another sign that your AC unit needs to be serviced or maintained is when you receive high electricity bills. A rise in the electricity bill might mean that your air conditioner is trying too hard to operate. That could be a minor issue like dirt or something more extensive like an issue with the condenser coils. It’s best to have an AC tech look at it and help you get it back in top shape. 

You Notice Water on the Floor

Water leaks indicate that something is wrong with the drain pan area. The condensation pan may have eroded, which is common in older units. Leaks can also occur when the coils freeze. That issue often occurs when the coolant is low.

Sometimes, a bad installation can cause an AC unit to leak as well.  In that situation, an AC expert might solve the problem by doing a re-install for you. In the worst scenario, you might need to have something replaced, but the technician can save your unit.

The most crucial step is to clean the water so that it doesn’t cause water damage, degradation, or mildew on your floors or carpets. Try to find something to catch or absorb the water while waiting for the technician to arrive.  

The Unit Goes in and Out of Operation

You might notice that your air conditioner turns off randomly, or worse yet, it turns off and on. The latter issue is called short-cycling, and it happens because of air filter problems, coolant leaks, and faulty thermostats. Thus, it’s best to get in touch with a reliable AC repair company quickly so that someone can investigate it. 

An air conditioner that cuts off and doesn’t cut back on is likely to have an electrical issue. The power supply may be going out, or something else has gone awry. You’ll need to check your outlets and breakers before you contact a repair person to ensure the problem isn’t on your side. 

Those are a few signs you might need a little help with your air conditioner. However, there’s no need to stress over an air conditioning not working. You can contact a reputable repair company to get help with it today.

Is My AC Broken, or Do I Need to Replace My Filter?

It’s hot and muggy outside—so it’s just about the worst time for your air conditioner to break down. Why is this happening? It was working fine yesterday. Is your AC really broken, or do you just need to replace your filter?

Air conditioners require regular maintenance, including a filter change every 30 to 90 days. If you’ve been slacking off on your filter changes, that might be the reason your AC isn’t performing appropriately. Here are some things to troubleshoot before you call your local HVAC company for help:

Why do I need to replace my AC air filter?

Once you’ve troubleshooted your air conditioner problems, you might forget to change your filter again—but that would be a big mistake. When you fail to replace your filter regularly, it can cause problems. Poor air quality, inefficiency (and the resulting high electricity bills), uneven cooling and malfunctions are all possible.

Your air conditioner might also start “short cycling,” which is when it kicks on and off repeatedly throughout the day. This is supposed to happen—at least on a limited basis—but when your filter is dirty, it can happen every few minutes. Change the filter and see if the problem is solved. If not, call your HVAC contractor for assistance.

When you need AC help, reach out to Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling. We’d be glad to take a look at your AC and make sure it’s doing its job correctly!