Seven Tips for Keeping Warm During Holiday Parties
No matter what your holiday traditions may be, there’s a good chance that you will be spending time with family, friends and loved ones this season. If you are hosting a holiday party or get-together, there are a lot of things that you will have to consider. Between getting the word out to guests, planning appetizers to serve and cleaning up your home, you might already feel busy with holiday planning. Another thing that you will have to think about is how to keep your home as comfortable as possible for all of your guests. This means that heating your home should be on your list of things to think about for your holiday party.
In order to make sure that your guests stay warm, there are several things that you can do to maximize the effectiveness of your heating system:
- Opt to use your fireplace: If you have a fireplace, a holiday party is the perfect time to use it. Not only does it offer heat, it also creates a warm and cozy ambience that your guests will enjoy.
- Maximize your heating resources: If you have space heaters or other heating sources, consider using them to heat your holiday party. Using a humidifier can also help, since the extra moisture in the air will retain more heat.
- Reduce draftiness: Seal doorways and use curtains on your windows as a way to minimize drafts and prevent cold outside air from getting into your home.
- Offer blankets to your guests: Since everyone has a different preference when it comes to indoor temperature, it’s a good idea to set out a few blankets in your living space to offer guests who tend to be colder.
- Cook ahead: Cooking after all of your guests have arrived can add a lot of extra heat that makes your home uncomfortable. Consider preparing a few dishes ahead of time so that you don’t alter the temperature in your home too drastically.
- Adjust your thermostat accordingly: The more people you have in your home, the warmer it will get. If you are hosting a large gathering, set your thermostat a bit lower than it usually is to account for the extra body heat.
- Have your HVAC system serviced: Before your party, make sure to have your HVAC system serviced by a professional. Any maintenance or heating repair in St. Louis, MO should be done before your party starts to ensure that you are able to heat your home effectively and efficiently.
Before you have guests over this winter, make sure that your heating system is ready to go with help from the team at Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling. We are the local experts when it comes to HVAC repair, service and installation for homes and businesses. No matter what kind of questions you have, our knowledgeable team is here to supply you with all of the answers that you are looking for. Give us a call today to find out more about how we can help you stay warm this winter with heating repair in St. Louis, MO.