Exposed Ductwork Ideas You Might Need in Your Home

Ductwork is something that every building with an HVAC unit has. That being said, for many, hiding the ductwork is something that they try very hard to do. Though this does give a space a more finished look, it is not always necessary. Exposed ductwork can be fun and can help make your space something truly special.


Is Exposed Ductwork Trending?

For those looking to make a splash and make their ductwork a feature of their home or business, exposed ductwork is in this year. Exposed ductwork is fun, it can look industrial and different, and you can even make it a feature of your home or business. Exposed ductwork is not just for fun; it can also help to make your ceilings higher and help to open up a space. One great idea is to paint the ductwork the same color as your ceiling; this will help camouflage it a bit but still make it a feature.

You can also use wood posts and beams to help frame the ductwork and help make it a feature. Exposed beams are, again, going to help with the industrial look of the ceiling and can make it even more of a feature. You do not have to make the sole focus the ductwork. You can make it a part of the design overall so that it does not stick out but is still visible and fun to look at. You can also choose a contrasting color for your ceiling and walls to help ensure that your silver ducts will really pop against the ceiling and the walls.

Exposed Ductwork Ideas

The way that the ductwork can be shown is really going to depend on the way that the home is built and on the way that your ductwork is designed as well. When making any design decisions based on your ductwork, you want to ensure that the ductwork is going to be stable, that none of the design options that you are using are going to damage or affect the ability of the ductwork to do its job, and that the integrity of the ducts is kept.

The best way to do this is to hire a professional to help ensure that any design idea you may have will not damage your ducts. Exposed ductwork can be very fun; you just have to know how to properly follow this trend.

Top 9 Benefits of Having Your Ducts Cleaned Regularly

Believe it or not, there’s more in your house ductwork than cold and hot air. There’s also debris like pollen, dander, and dust, all of which stem from daily chores like cleaning and cooking. Dirty air ducts can pose health risks to the occupants of your property. From acute illnesses like asthma and allergies to chronic diseases like lung cancer, dirty ducts have many potentially harmful effects. So, do air ducts need to be cleaned? Here are nine reasons why you should clean your air ducts.

1. Proper Oxygenation

An efficient HVAC system filters out harmful particulates in your home or building. Fresh air can improve your body’s oxygenation leading to optimal functioning of your major organs and preventing respiratory conditions like asthma and allergies.  

2. Minimized Sinus, Skin, or Eye Irritants

Spores, dust, fungus, and pollens that might irritate can accumulate in your HVAC system over time. If you suffer from constant inflammation, you might have to contact a qualified HVAC technician to inspect your air ducts.   

3. Maintains a Cleaner Environment  

Dust particles accumulate in the ductwork, especially when you turn off your HVAC system. Once you turn on the system, the particles recirculate in the house and settle on your floor furniture, bedding, etc. You’ll need to dust the surfaces to keep your home hygienic and clean. Check the ducts if you suspect your house is becoming unusually dusty. Cleaning the ductwork will help prevent pollutants from entering your house and keep your home clean and hygienic. 

4. Odor Reduction

Dirty air ducts can collect odorous molecules causing smelly air to circulate throughout your house or building. Cleaning the ducts can help clear away any odorous molecules resulting in a fresh-smelling interior space. 

5. Fewer HVAC Repairs  

Routine cleanups and inspections can help you identify any developing or potential issues that might worsen. This allows you to fix the problem promptly, ensuring it doesn’t deteriorate. Therefore, it’s doubtful that you might experience major HVAC-related repairs if you regularly clean your air ducts. 

6. Energy Savings

Cleaned air ducts help reduce blockages in the ducts. This leads to less obstructed airflow, which means that your HVAC unit won’t have to put extra effort into heating or cooling your home, as it would’ve been the case with dirty air ducts. Therefore, your unit will consume less power when functioning on clean ducts. Lower power consumption results to lower electricity bills. 

7. Thermoregulation

Poor air control can cause illnesses like hyperthermia and hypothermia. All these conditions can trigger your equilibrium and even shut down your vital body organs. Clean your air ducts to ensure that your HVAC unit functions properly for optimal air control. 

8. Mildew and Mold Prevention

Moisture from your HVAC unit can collect inside the air ducts and create an ideal condition for fostering harmful microorganisms like mold and mildew. If left unsolved, these fungi might make a home inside your ducts and even spread into other parts of your house through the circulating air. A professional duct cleanup will ensure that your ducts don’t become a breeding ground for mildew and mold. 

9. Fight Infestation  

The warm vents of your house might seem like a cozy, comfy gateway for pests looking for a warm, quiet, and dark place to settle down. Rodents and insects are unsanitary fit for you and your family. They might spread diseases, and their droppings can cause allergies or respiratory problems. Keeping your ductwork clean will discourage pests from residing in your house and even eliminate pests that have already made themselves comfortable.  

So, how often should I have my air ducts cleaned? We recommend cleaning your ducts every 3 to 5 years. However, the frequency can change based on factors like mold and a noticeable amount of dust in your ducts. 

Don’t DIY; Seek Professional Air Duct Cleaning Services

Air ducts are an integral part of any HVAC unit. Therefore, you must ensure that they’re cleaned and maintained regularly. Trust Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling to provide the finest air duct cleaning services. Our experts have years of experience serving this industry, so we are the best choice for air duct cleaning. Get in touch with us today to help restore your air quality!




What to Do if You Suspect a Dead Rodent in Your Ducts

“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” If the air coming out of the HVAC system in your home has you quoting Shakespeare when you turn on the heater, it might mean there is a dead rodent in your air ducts. But what can you do if your air ducts smell?

If you detect a foul smell coming from your air ducts, it should be dealt with immediately. If the smell is rotten (like the nasty whiff of funk from removing the lid on a container of forgotten leftovers), there’s a good chance that a rodent has died in your air ducts.

This is a situation that really ought to be left to a professional heating and cooling company, but it is possible to handle it yourself. Here are some tips on rodent removal from air ducts.

Find the source

The first thing you need to do is track down where the smell is coming from. While it may be lingering all throughout the house, there is likely an area where it is more pungent than others. If you have narrowed down the area from where you believe the smell is originating, you will need to remove the vent and get a flashlight to find the corpse.

This can be trickier than it may seem. The animal may have been very small and may have died in a corner or other area that you can’t see or reach. It may have also chewed or partially burrowed into the insulation or surrounding area.

Remove the animal

If you can manage to find the rodent, the next step is to remove it. You should have rubber gloves, a trash bag, disinfectant spray and paper towels at the ready. You may also need other tools to grab the rodent if it’s further down the air duct than your arm can reach. If you are able to remove the animal, be sure to thoroughly disinfect the area and any surfaces that were touched by the carcass.

Stop it from happening again

The final step in rodent removal from air ducts is to identify how the rodent got trapped in the air duct in the first place—and then seal it up. Since you definitely never want to have to go through an ordeal like this again, you want to make sure you find out how it happened and make the necessary adjustments to make sure it doesn’t ever happen again.

This is one step that really should be performed by a professional who knows air ducts and understands common ways rodents may get trapped in them. Even if you are able to perform the rodent removal yourself, you may want to get your air ducts professionally cleaned to make sure the smell and bacteria is out of your home for good.

Even while it may be possible to take care of on your own, if your air ducts smell, it might be best to let a professional handle it from the get-go. For experienced, prompt and efficient air duct service, contact Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling today.

Is It Time for New Ductwork?

The expected lifespan of your ductwork is around 10 to 15 years. Many homeowners replace it when they upgrade their HVAC, but most of the time, this essential part of your cooling and heating system is left to linger. It is usually a matter of recognizing the several signs it is time to replace your ductwork in St. Louis, MO. Here are six things to watch for when you do not remember the last time your home had new ductwork installed:

Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling offers high-efficiency heating and cooling in St. Louis, MO. If you notice several of these signs it’s time to replace your ductwork, give us a call and schedule an appointment.