How Using Fans Will Make Your Air Conditioning More Efficient

It can be tough to keep your home cool during the summer months. If you’re using air conditioning, your electric bill can skyrocket. One way to combat this is by using fans in conjunction with your air conditioner. Fans help to circulate the air, which makes your AC more efficient and keeps your home cooler. This blog post will discuss how using fans can make your AC more efficient and save you money on your electric bill.

Will Fans Make My AC More Efficient?

Using a fan in conjunction with your AC can actually make your air conditioning more efficient. Here’s how:

When it’s hot outside, the air inside your home is likely to be much warmer than the air outside. By circulating the air inside your home with a fan, you can actually help cool things down. The reason has to do with something called the "stack effect." The stack effect is when hot air rises and cooler air sinks. So by circulating the air in your home with a fan, you’re helping the cooler air sink down, and the hot air rise up.

This helps your air conditioner because it doesn’t have to work as hard to cool the air in your home. And when your AC doesn’t have to work as hard, it uses less energy, which saves you money on your energy bill. So if you want to help your air conditioner work more efficiently, use a fan in conjunction with it.

Do Fans Help Save Money on AC?

You might be surprised to learn that using a fan can actually help save money on your air conditioning bill. Here’s how. Running a fan uses less energy than running an air conditioner. So, if you can use a fan to keep cool, you’ll save money on your energy bill.

Fans also help circulate the cold air from your air conditioner, making it more efficient. By circulating the cold air, your air conditioner doesn’t have to work as hard to cool your home. This means that your air conditioner will last longer and won’t have to be replaced as often. So, not only will you save money on your energy bill, but you’ll also save money on repairs and replacements.

AC and Fan Tips

If you use a fan in conjunction with your air conditioner, you should keep a few things in mind. First, get a fan that’s the right size for your room. A fan that’s too small won’t do a good job of circulating the air. And a fan that’s too big will just be a waste of energy.

Second, be sure to place your fan in the right spot. You want to position the fan so that it’s blowing air directly at you. This will help you feel cooler faster. Third, don’t forget to clean your fan regularly. A dirty fan won’t work as well and can actually make your room feel hotter.


If you want to make your air conditioner more efficient, use a fan in conjunction with it. Fans help circulate the air, making it easier for your air conditioner to cool your home. When your air conditioner doesn’t have to work as hard, it uses less energy and saves you money on your energy bill. If you need AC services to ensure it runs more efficiently, contact Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling today.

The Difference Between Energy-Efficient ACs and Regular ACs

With heating and air conditioning bills on the rise, it’s never been more practical to invest in energy efficient air conditioning. Not only does an efficient unit help you save on your energy bills, but they’re also better for the environment.

Here are some of the main differences between air conditioning models.

Measuring efficiency in air conditioning systems

Each air conditioning unit has a SEER rating, which stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. You can think of it in terms of a miles-per-gallon rating—a higher SEER rating means a more efficient system. All air conditioners must have a SEER ratio of 14 or higher according to United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations. Some modern energy-efficient air conditioning systems have a rating of up to 26 SEER, and ultra-efficient specialty systems can reach even higher ratings.

In general, the older your air conditioning unit, the less efficient it is. Even systems installed only a decade ago can’t reach the efficiencies of modern units. The older your system gets and the more it’s used, the less efficient it will run due to regular wear and tear. It’s often more practical to invest in a new system to keep your energy bills low.

Differences between regular ACs and energy-efficient models

The main difference between standard air conditioning systems compared to new, efficient ones is in performance. High-efficiency systems outperform their predecessors due to advancements in technologies.

The most efficient systems feature state-of-the-art variable compressors that turn on and off the system as little as possible while still maintaining a comfortable indoor air temperature. They also have a variable speed blower that controls airflow as it travels through the system, allowing you to maintain the exact temperature you want when you need it without constantly running.

What are some of the benefits you’ll experience when you invest in a high-efficiency air conditioning system? Just some of the advantages include:

Now that you understand the differences between air conditioning models, schedule professional installation to make the most of your investment in an energy-efficient system. Contact Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling today—we’ll install the most practical system for your needs and your budget, helping you keep your energy bills low while allowing you to maintain comfort in your home.

Try These Winter Thermostat Settings to Save Money

Thermostat settings are a constant source of disagreement in households across the United States, especially in regions of the country that see cold winters. But one area where you may find common ground is a desire to save money on your energy bills.

Even if you don’t have a smart thermostat or programmable features, you can still find ways to save money on your heating by adopting a few simple energy-saving strategies over the winter. You may be able to save around 10 percent per year on energy bills just by adjusting some of your heating and cooling habits.

Here are a few money-saving tips for heaters this winter that you can put into practice.

Consider your lowest comfortable temperature

Setting your thermostat to the lowest temperature at which you will be comfortable will significantly slow down heat loss for homes that have either baseboard heating systems or regular furnaces. This is not true for heat pumps, though, as turning down the heat can actually make the pump less efficient.

The standard “lowest comfortable temperature” is 68 degrees, but this can vary for some people. You may be able to go a couple degrees lower, or 68 might still be a bit too low for you. But consider what your specific lowest comfortable temperature is, and keep it there.

Consider the location of your thermostat

You shouldn’t place the thermostat in a spot where you will have inaccurate temperature readings. If you place the thermostat near sunlight, doorways or drafts, this could result in it giving temperatures that do not actually reflect the conditions in most of the home.

Try installing the thermostat on an interior wall that gets natural airflow. This will usually produce the most accurate readings and thus set you up for better efficiency.

Adjust temperatures when you’re not home

Consider lowering the temperature on your thermostat when you’re not at home. Make sure the home remains comfortable for pets (typically not an issue if they are furry) and that you don’t set the temperature so low that your pipes will freeze. But if you’re going to be gone at work all day, there’s no need to have the heat cranked up. Lowering the thermostat for eight hours a day can save you money.

You can also adjust temperatures while you sleep. Most people sleep better in slightly cool conditions, so don’t keep the heat cranked when you’re going to bed.

Let your household acclimate

Everyone in your home will need a little bit of time to adapt to the colder temperatures after the warmth of summer and early fall. You can lower the temperature gradually after you adjust to the new conditions. Until your body finally acclimates, make it a point to wear layers, use warm socks and bust out the cozy blankets.

These are just a few tips that will help you get more efficient operation out of your heater this winter. For more money-saving tips for heaters that involve your winter thermostat settings, contact Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling.

Energy-Efficient HVAC Systems and Which Will Work Best with Your Home

Is energy efficiency and environmental friendliness a top priority for you as a homeowner? One of the best ways to reduce your energy consumption is to install an HVAC system designed to operate as efficiently as possible.

Therefore, if you’re in the market for a new HVAC system in St. Louis, MO, here’s a look at some examples of HVAC units that will help you achieve energy efficiency.

Geothermal heat pump

If energy efficiency is your goal, you can do no better than geothermal (ground source) heat pumps. These units have energy efficiency ratings (EER) of up to 45, when a rating of 12 or more is considered “efficient.” So, while the initial investment in the system might be expensive, you will save a boatload of money on energy costs over the long term, much more so than you would with any other system.

Geothermal systems operate by taking heat from underground, where temperatures remain around 50 degrees Fahrenheit. The equipment requires very little in terms of maintenance, and will provide you with reliable heating results for years to come.

Standard split system heat pump

Split system heat pumps that both heat and cool the home are becoming quite popular around the United States, gaining ground on forced air central systems that are essentially the standard in this country. These split systems allow you to save 30 to 40 percent on heating costs even over high-efficiency furnaces.

You can customize these systems for greater efficiency by adding inverter compressors in variable capacity units. These systems are especially beneficial in areas that see milder winters, but they’ll go to work for you anywhere you live and give you reliable, high-quality and efficient results.

Ductless mini-split heat pump

There are also ductless mini-split system heat pump options that work on a smaller scale that you may find to be beneficial for your home. These mini-splits will usually have EERs of around 20, and will feature an outdoor unit connected to up to eight indoor units.

Each of the indoor units you install will be tasked with heating and cooling a specific room, and each of those units will have its own thermostat. This provides you with greater overall energy savings, because you only have to heat or cool the rooms you’re using at any given time. It also provides you with greater versatility in your heating and cooling—you might prefer some rooms to be warmer or colder than others, and having those individual thermostats and temperature settings allows for greater customization.

Because mini-splits do not use ductwork, you won’t have to worry about air leaking through the seams of the ductwork. Plus, because the system moves heat instead of creating it, you will have much lower costs than you’d see with a forced air furnace.

To learn more your options for HVAC units that will help achieve energy efficiency in your home, we encourage you to contact the HVAC specialists in St. Louis, MO at Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling today.

Five Benefits of Energy-Efficient AC

As summer gets into high gear, we hope you’re all enjoying yourselves and getting to spend lots of time outdoors. Summertime means backyard cookouts, swimming and fun sports for all, but you also want to make sure your indoor activities are enjoyable, and being comfortable is a big part of that. Having a reliable HVAC system is a wonderful asset, and one of the best parts of modern air conditioning is that it’s actually more affordable than many people think, thanks to the incredible efficiency of today’s systems.

If you’ve been considering an investment in energy-efficient AC in St. Louis, MO, the team at Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling has the knowledge and the ability to install an air conditioning system that will keep you cool, at a lower cost, for years to come. Here are some of the benefits you’ll enjoy:

Working with air conditioning is something our team at Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling has been doing for over two decades, and we’ve seen technology advance at a rapid pace during that time. With the efficiency of HVAC units getting better all the time, there’s no reason not to invest in a new unit if your existing one has been causing you trouble. Get in touch with us to learn more!