Learn About the Pros and Cons of Smart Thermostats from Your HVAC Service in St. Louis, MO

Saving on your energy bill is always a good thing. Installing a smart thermostat can help in this department, as the Environmental Protection Agency estimates savings at $180 a year. While it will certainly save on your energy bill as well as provide a host of other benefits, there are some drawbacks to the technology that might not be right for everyone. An HVAC service in St. Louis, MO can help you determine whether this technology is a good fit for your home, as well as easily install a smart thermostat for your home’s HVAC system.

Pros of installing a smart thermostat

A smart thermostat operates wirelessly using your Internet to control the temperature in your home. It allows you to change the temperature at your house, even when you are not there, making it a good option for those times when you forget to adjust appropriately.

Because it works off the Internet, it can sense those times when you normally reduce your energy costs and adjust the temperature accordingly. It also offers programmability, which provides temperature settings for certain times of day when you are normally home or away.

The smart technology of the thermostat allows it to notify you if repairs are needed or if regular maintenance needs to be scheduled. This is a good way to know if you need HVAC service in St. Louis, MO, whether you are home or not.

Installing a smart thermostat will save you money on your energy bill, as you will be able to more thoroughly regulate the temperature in your home. Some cities even offer a rebate to customers who install a smart thermostat, and it also can increase the value of your home as buyers look for technology and savings options in their home-buying search.

Cons of installing a smart thermostat

The cost to install a smart thermostat can be quite high, as it can be roughly four times the cost of a standard thermostat. You would not want to install one if you live in an apartment or are planning on moving, as you won’t be able to reap the benefits of your investment.

Because smart thermostats are complicated systems that incorporate Internet connections, thermostat calibration and receiving units, you will want to hire an HVAC service in St. Louis, MO for installation.

If technology is not your thing, then a smart thermostat is probably not for you. If requires a smart phone to run its systems, and it can be a challenge to program all its capabilities. It is also not compatible with every HVAC system on the market, so it may not work with the heating and cooling system you have installed at your home.

One company that produces the smart thermostat is Nest, which is owned by Google. Some people may not be comfortable with Google having information about them, such as whether they are home or not. If you have concerns about this, it may indicate that a smart thermostat is not a good option for you.

Take into consideration these pros and cons of installing a smart thermostat. If you think it’s right for you, contact your HVAC service in St. Louis, MO to install one in your home. For smart thermostat installation, as well as HVAC service and repair, contact Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling. We offer 24-hour service to help anytime your HVAC system breaks down or needs repairs.

An Energy Efficient Air Conditioner Installation in St. Louis, MO is Absolutely Worth it

No homeowner likes the prospect of having to replace, update or repair an expensive facet of their home like their air conditioner installation in St. Louis, MO, but it’s a prospect that will roll around at some point in time or another. The best thing you can do as a responsible homeowner when it does is to make the best decision you can about how to invest your money and lead yourself and your home down the path of sustainability.

If the time has come for your AC unit to be assessed and, ultimately, replaced, it’s a good idea to consider energy efficient units as a progressive next step in your strive for a better quality of life in your home. Why? Take a look at some of the tremendous benefits that an energy efficient air conditioner installation in St. Louis, MO can have:

Now, the above benefits are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to enhancing your home and your quality of life with an efficient air conditioner installation in St. Louis, MO! Another huge factor to consider is the monetary savings you’ll reap from tax and energy rebates!

Federal tax credits exist—like the credit for Consumer Energy Efficiency—to reward citizens who make the transition towards a more environmentally friendly, energy efficient cooling system. These rebates exist at both state and federal levels, meaning you’ll be able to save on both state and federal taxes each year if you’re someone who has made the investment in a high-efficiency AC system!

Now, perhaps the best benefit and biggest reason to invest in an energy efficient air conditioner installation in St. Louis, MO is the immediate impact it’s going to have on your quality of life. Cleaner forced air, better temperature control and responsive controls make it easy to enjoy every moment in your home while the AC unit hums along softly to provide you with optimal forced air. Not having to worry about strange smells, fluctuating temperatures and odd noises is a luxury you won’t come to appreciate until you experience it!

If you’re interested in seeing how far your money can go with an investment in a new AC unit, consult with the professionals at Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling today about energy efficient AC installations.