Is Duct Cleaning Worth It?

Duct cleaning has become a popular service in recent years, with many providers of HVAC service in St. Louis, MO and even specialized commercial cleaning services offering it to their customers. But is the service worth investing in?

First, it’s important to know exactly what you’re getting when you get your ducts cleaned. Professional duct cleaning involves the use of specialized vacuums, blowers and brushes to clean out every part of your ducts, including intakes, supply and return ducts all throughout your home. The process involves a thorough cleaning of the registers, grilles, fans, air handler, housings, motors and coils in your HVAC system.

There are not any studies that indicate regular duct cleaning improves the air quality or reduces the dust in your home. However, there is plenty of evidence to indicate that a buildup of dust in your HVAC system makes the unit less efficient.

When to invest in duct cleaning

Duct cleaning is not always (or even usually) necessary, and the EPA even says the ducts only need to be cleaned if they or the HVAC unit are contaminated. However, there are some circumstances in which it definitely makes sense to have it done. Here are a few examples of these scenarios:

  • Renovation: If you recently remodeled or renovated your building, your ductwork could benefit from a cleaning, especially if your home was likely to have had asbestos or lead paint. The remodeling process is likely to have kicked up a significant amount of dust and debris that could find itself lodged inside your HVAC system.
  • Mold: If you discovered mold growing inside your ductwork, you should have your ducts and HVAC system cleaned, as this is one circumstance in which the air quality in your home can absolutely suffer. Mold releases spores into the air that trigger symptoms of asthma and other breathing conditions. It also can damage areas on which it grows, and cause an unpleasant, musty smell throughout your home.
  • Animals: By this, we don’t mean pets. If you have discovered signs of an animal infestation in your ductwork, especially if there’s any nesting happening in your ducts or HVAC system, it’s important to have those animals removed and then clean out the system, and figure out a way to prevent it from happening again.
  • Contaminants: If you regularly notice debris such as pet hair, dust or other contaminants being released into the room or frequently notice an unpleasant smell emanating from your ducts, then your ductwork may benefit from a good cleaning.
  • Illness: If someone in your family suffers from unexplained respiratory illnesses or asthmatic symptoms, you could benefit from a duct cleaning at your home.

These are just a few scenarios in which it makes sense to seek out duct cleaning services from an HVAC service in St. Louis, MO. To learn more about the various repair, maintenance and cleaning services we offer, we encourage you to contact Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling today and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.

The Benefits of Air Duct Cleaning

The air ducts in your home carry air from your heating and cooling system to every single room, keeping you comfortable all year long, no matter the season. This air circulates through the ducts several times each day—the very same air that runs through those spaces gets pushed into your living area for you to breathe. Therefore, it only makes sense for you to want those ducts (and the air) to be as clean as possible.

Air duct cleaning services help you remove dust and other contaminants located inside your ductwork. Professionals use powerful vacuums to suck out that debris, keeping it from being pushed back into your living spaces.

Here are just a few of the benefits of air duct cleaning from an HVAC service in St. Louis, MO:

These are just a few of the benefits associated with getting air duct cleanings from an HVAC service in St. Louis, MO. For more information about how you can benefit from cleaner air in your home, contact Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling today and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.

How Summer HVAC Service in St. Louis, MO Can Boost System Efficiency

Owning a business requires significant attention to detail. With so much on your plate, it’s easy to forget about things like getting summer HVAC service in St. Louis, MO. Even though it might not seem pressing, your HVAC system can decline in efficiency over time unless you take steps to consistently care and maintain it. Since you don’t want to deal with the hassle and discomfort of a malfunctioning AC system in the midst of the summer months, it’s important to handle HVAC maintenance before cooling season really picks up. Read on to find out more about what you can do to improve the function of your HVAC system and reduce your energy bill while you’re at it:

Save money and increase the comfort of your employees and customers alike this summer with quality HVAC service in St. Louis, MO from Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling. We are a premier provider of comprehensive commercial and residential HVAC services, including sales, installation, maintenance and repairs. We know how much of a difference the right maintenance can make when it comes to the efficiency of your system, and we would be happy to help you achieve energy savings this summer. To schedule service with one of our trained and experienced technicians, get in touch with us today.

What’s Involved in a Spring HVAC Tune-Up? Here’s a Quick Checklist

By now, you have probably heard that it is important to get seasonal checkups on your HVAC system—cooling in the spring, heating in the fall. But what exactly is involved in spring HVAC service in St. Louis, MO that makes it so important?

Here’s a quick checklist of some of the items you can expect to be included in your tune-up, and why they’re so important:

This is just a sampling of what your spring HVAC service in St. Louis, MO will entail. Contact us today for more information!

Why It’s So Important to Get a Spring HVAC Tune-Up

Spring isn’t so far off—the days are getting longer, the birds are starting to come back for the season and before we even know it, summer will be here.

Fall and spring are the most important times of year for your HVAC system. Heading into the winter, you want to make sure your furnace is fully prepared to efficiently heat your home. Heading into the spring and summer, it’s important to know you have a system that is ready to give you cool air consistently.

Rather than waiting until the heat finally arrives, you should get an appointment for HVAC service in St. Louis, MO scheduled now. Here are just a few reasons why getting that tune-up done early is so important:

For more information about why it’s so important to schedule seasonal tune-ups for your air conditioning and heating needs, contact our experienced HVAC service in St. Louis, MO today and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.