What is the Average HVAC System Lifespan? (And Helpful Tips to Extend It!)


HVAC systems play a crucial role in maintaining comfortable indoor temperatures, ventilation, and air quality in our homes and workplaces. However, like any other mechanical equipment, HVAC systems have a finite lifespan. In this article, we will explore the average lifespan of HVAC systems and provide helpful tips on how to extend their longevity.

The Average Lifespan of HVAC Systems

The lifespan of an HVAC system can vary depending on several factors, such as the quality and brand of the equipment, regular maintenance, usage patterns, and environmental conditions. On average, a well-maintained HVAC system can last between 15 to 20 years. However, some systems may start experiencing efficiency issues or breakdowns after around 10 years.

Factors that Affect HVAC System Lifespan

Several factors can impact the lifespan of an HVAC system:

1. Maintenance: Proper and regular maintenance is essential to ensure the longevity of an HVAC system. Regular inspections, cleaning, and servicing by a professional HVAC technician can identify potential issues early and prevent major breakdowns.

2. Usage and Load: The frequency and duration of use also impact the lifespan of an HVAC system. Systems used year-round or subjected to heavy loads, such as in commercial spaces or homes with large families, tend to have a shorter lifespan.

3. Environmental Conditions: The climate and environmental conditions in which an HVAC system operates can affect its lifespan. Extreme temperatures, high humidity, airborne particles, and corrosive environments can put additional strain on the system, increasing wear and tear.

Tips to Extend the Lifespan of HVAC Systems

1. Regular Maintenance: As mentioned earlier, regular maintenance is crucial for extending the lifespan of an HVAC system. It is recommended to schedule professional HVAC inspections and maintenance at least once a year, preferably before the start of the heating or cooling season. This will ensure that any potential issues are addressed promptly, improving the system’s efficiency and reducing the risk of breakdowns.

2. Change Air Filters: Air filters play a vital role in maintaining indoor air quality and protecting the HVAC system from dust, dirt, and debris. Clogged filters restrict airflow, increase energy consumption, and put strain on the system components. Regularly changing the air filters, typically every 1-3 months, depending on usage and environmental conditions, will help keep the system running efficiently and extend its lifespan.

3. Clean Outdoor Unit: The outdoor unit of an HVAC system (the condenser unit) is exposed to outdoor elements, such as leaves, dust, and debris. Ensure that the unit is clean and free from obstructions. Regularly remove any debris and trim vegetation around the unit to allow for proper airflow.

4. Maintain Consistent Temperatures: Rapid temperature fluctuations can put stress on the HVAC system. It is recommended to set the thermostat to a consistent temperature and avoid frequent adjustments. This will allow the system to operate more efficiently and reduce unnecessary wear and tear.

5. Invest in Programmable Thermostats: Programmable thermostats allow you to set temperature schedules based on your daily routine. By automatically adjusting the temperature when no one is present or during sleeping hours, programmable thermostats help reduce energy consumption and give the HVAC system some rest, ultimately extending its lifespan.

6. Address Issues Promptly: If you notice any unusual sounds, strange odors, or inadequate heating/cooling, do not ignore them. These may be signs of underlying issues that, if left unaddressed, can lead to more significant problems and costly repairs. Contact a professional HVAC technician as soon as possible to diagnose and fix the problem.


Understanding the average lifespan of HVAC systems and implementing proper maintenance practices can help extend their longevity. Regular maintenance, changing air filters, cleaning the outdoor unit, maintaining consistent temperatures, utilizing programmable thermostats, and addressing issues promptly are all important factors in maximizing the lifespan of your HVAC system. By following these helpful tips, you can ensure that your HVAC system operates efficiently and provides comfort for many years to come.

Need HVAC Services in St. Louis, MO?

Keep cool or stay warm with Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling. Since 1999, Ashley Brothers have been providing residential and commercial services to the St. Louis and Jefferson County area. We specialize in the installation of new equipment, heating and cooling repair, and furnace cleaning. Craftsmanship is important, equipment choice is too. We work with only top brands like Amana, Goodman, York, and McLain. It is understandable that replacing or upgrading your equipment can be daunting. Ask us about financing. We repair all heating and cooling equipment brands. Heating and cooling repairs can happen at random, take advantage of our 24-hour emergency service. Call us today about your concerns.

How Energy Efficient HVAC Systems in St Louis Can Be a Tax Credit

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Energy efficiency has become an important aspect of our lives, not only to reduce our impact on the environment but also to save money on energy bills. One of the significant areas where energy efficiency can be enhanced is in our HVAC systems. Upgrading to energy-efficient HVAC systems has numerous benefits, and one of the most attractive incentives is the tax credit that can be obtained in St Louis.

Understanding the Tax Credit for Energy Efficiency

The federal government offers tax credits to homeowners who install energy-efficient products in their homes, including HVAC systems. These tax credits were introduced to encourage homeowners to adopt cleaner and more energy-efficient technologies, thereby reducing overall energy consumption.

For St Louis residents, energy-efficient HVAC systems can qualify for a tax credit known as the Non-Business Energy Property Credit. This credit allows homeowners to claim a percentage of the cost of qualifying energy-efficient equipment on their federal income tax return. This credit is available for qualifying installations made within specific years and has a maximum cap on the credit amount.

Eligibility Requirements for the Tax Credit

To be eligible for the tax credit, homeowners must meet certain requirements. Firstly, the HVAC equipment must be installed in the taxpayer’s primary residence. Secondly, the equipment must be considered energy efficient, as defined by the federal government. Lastly, the installation must take place within the qualifying years, which are usually specified by the federal government.

Choosing Energy-Efficient HVAC Systems

To ensure homeowners are eligible for the tax credit, it is crucial to select HVAC systems that are considered energy efficient. The federal government provides guidelines and standards for energy efficiency, such as the Energy Star rating. Energy Star is a program that certifies products, including HVAC systems, as energy-efficient based on specific criteria.

When selecting an HVAC system, homeowners should look for the Energy Star certification. This certification indicates that the system meets or exceeds the energy efficiency guidelines set by the government. Energy Star-certified systems not only help homeowners qualify for tax credits but also provide significant energy savings compared to traditional systems.

Maximizing Tax Credit Benefits

To maximize the benefits of the tax credit, homeowners should consult with a tax professional or accountant to ensure all necessary documentation is in order. This includes keeping receipts, invoices, and any other relevant documentation regarding the purchase and installation of the energy-efficient HVAC system.

Additionally, homeowners should be aware of the maximum cap on the tax credit. The Non-Business Energy Property Credit typically has a cap of $500 for eligible HVAC systems. This means that homeowners can receive a maximum credit of $500 on their federal income tax return. It is important to note that the credit is non-refundable, meaning it can only be used to offset taxes owed and cannot result in a refund.

Other Energy Efficiency Incentives

In addition to the tax credit, homeowners in St Louis can also take advantage of other energy efficiency incentives. Utility companies often offer rebates or incentives for upgrading to energy-efficient HVAC systems. These incentives vary depending on the utility company and may include cash rebates, discounts on equipment installations, or lower energy rates for customers with energy-efficient systems.

Taking Advantage of the Benefits

Upgrading to energy-efficient HVAC systems not only helps save money on energy bills but also provides tax credits and other incentives. Homeowners in St Louis should consider the long-term benefits of energy efficiency and explore the various options available to them. By taking advantage of these incentives, homeowners contribute to a more sustainable future while also enjoying financial savings.

Need HVAC Services in St. Louis, MO?

Keep cool or stay warm with Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling. Since 1999, Ashley Brothers have been providing residential and commercial services to the St. Louis and Jefferson County area. We specialize in the installation of new equipment, heating and cooling repair, and furnace cleaning. Craftsmanship is important, equipment choice is too. We work with only top brands like Amana, Goodman, York, and McLain. It is understandable that replacing or upgrading your equipment can be daunting. Ask us about financing. We repair all heating and cooling equipment brands. Heating and cooling repairs can happen at random, take advantage of our 24-hour emergency service. Call us today about your concerns.

What Are the Benefits of an Energy-Efficient HVAC System?


An HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system plays a vital role in maintaining a comfortable indoor environment. However, traditional HVAC systems can be energy-intensive, leading to higher utility bills and increased carbon emissions. To address these concerns, energy-efficient HVAC systems have been developed. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of an energy-efficient HVAC system and why it is a smart choice for both residential and commercial settings.

Reduced Energy Consumption and Lower Utility Bills

One of the primary benefits of an energy-efficient HVAC system is its ability to significantly reduce energy consumption. These systems are designed to optimize energy efficiency by using advanced technologies and innovative features. For example, energy-efficient HVAC systems may include variable speed motors, improved insulation, and smart thermostats that adjust the temperature based on occupancy and weather conditions. By consuming less energy, these systems can help lower utility bills, providing long-term cost savings for homeowners and businesses.

Environmental Sustainability and Lower Carbon Footprint

Energy-efficient HVAC systems have a positive impact on the environment by reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainability. Traditional HVAC systems often rely on fossil fuels, which contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. In contrast, energy-efficient systems use renewable energy sources or operate with higher efficiency ratings. By minimizing carbon emissions, an energy-efficient HVAC system helps to protect the environment and promotes a greener and more sustainable future.

Enhanced Comfort and Indoor Air Quality

Energy-efficient HVAC systems are designed to provide consistent and reliable comfort while maintaining excellent indoor air quality. These systems have improved control capabilities that allow for precise temperature and humidity regulation. This ensures that the indoor environment remains comfortable at all times, regardless of external weather conditions. Additionally, energy-efficient systems have advanced filtration mechanisms that remove pollutants, allergens, and other contaminants from the air. This helps to improve indoor air quality, reducing the risk of respiratory issues and allergies.

Longer Lifespan and Reduced Maintenance

Energy-efficient HVAC systems are not only efficient in their operation, but they also tend to have longer lifespans compared to traditional systems. This is due to the high-quality components, advanced technologies, and better maintenance practices. The reduced strain on the system, thanks to its energy efficiency, reduces wear and tear, resulting in fewer breakdowns and repairs. Additionally, energy-efficient systems often come with warranties and regular maintenance plans, ensuring that the system remains in optimal condition throughout its lifespan.

Government Incentives and Tax Credits

To encourage the adoption of energy-efficient technologies, many governments and authorities offer incentives and tax credits to homeowners and businesses that invest in such systems. These incentives can help offset the initial cost of purchasing and installing an energy-efficient HVAC system, making it even more financially attractive. By taking advantage of these incentives, individuals and organizations can reap both the energy-saving benefits and the financial incentives that follow.

Improved Property Value and Market Appeal

With the growing focus on sustainability and energy efficiency, properties that feature energy-efficient HVAC systems have a higher market appeal. Homebuyers and tenants are increasingly prioritizing energy-efficient features, recognizing the long-term cost savings and environmental benefits. Installing an energy-efficient HVAC system can enhance the property value, making it more attractive to potential buyers or renters. This investment can provide a competitive edge for property owners in the real estate market.


An energy-efficient HVAC system offers numerous benefits for both homeowners and businesses. By reducing energy consumption, these systems lower utility bills and contribute to long-term cost savings. They also promote environmental sustainability by minimizing carbon emissions and relying on renewable energy sources. In terms of comfort, energy-efficient systems provide precise temperature control and improved indoor air quality. Furthermore, these systems typically have longer lifespans and require less maintenance. The availability of government incentives and tax credits makes investing in energy-efficient HVAC systems even more appealing. Lastly, properties with energy-efficient systems have a higher market value and appeal. Choosing an energy-efficient HVAC system is a wise decision for those seeking to enjoy a comfortable indoor environment while also saving energy and making a positive impact on the environment.

Need HVAC Services in St. Louis, MO?

Keep cool or stay warm with Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling. Since 1999, Ashley Brothers have been providing residential and commercial services to the St. Louis and Jefferson County area. We specialize in the installation of new equipment, heating and cooling repair, and furnace cleaning. Craftsmanship is important, equipment choice is too. We work with only top brands like Amana, Goodman, York, and McLain. It is understandable that replacing or upgrading your equipment can be daunting. Ask us about financing. We repair all heating and cooling equipment brands. Heating and cooling repairs can happen at random, take advantage of our 24-hour emergency service. Call us today about your concerns.

How to Winterize Your HVAC System in St Louis


With winter approaching, it’s time to start thinking about ways to keep your home warm and cozy. One important aspect of winter preparation is winterizing your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system. In St Louis, where the winters can be harsh, it’s crucial to ensure that your HVAC system is in optimal condition to handle the cold temperatures. Here are some tips on how to winterize your HVAC system in St Louis:

1. Schedule a Maintenance Check-Up:

Before winter arrives, it’s a good idea to have a professional HVAC technician inspect and service your system. They can identify any potential issues and make necessary repairs or adjustments. Regular maintenance can help improve the efficiency and longevity of your HVAC system, ensuring its performance during the winter months. Don’t wait until your system breaks down in the middle of a cold winter night – schedule a maintenance check-up now.

2. Clean and Replace Filters:

Dirty or clogged filters can restrict airflow and reduce the efficiency of your HVAC system. It’s essential to clean or replace the filters regularly, especially before the winter season. Clean filters ensure proper airflow and prevent dust, debris, and pollutants from circulating in your home. Additionally, clean filters improve indoor air quality and reduce the strain on your HVAC system by allowing it to operate more efficiently.

3. Check and Seal Air Ducts:

Leaky air ducts can significantly affect the performance of your HVAC system. Inspect your air ducts for any leaks or gaps, and seal them using duct sealant or metal tape. Properly sealed air ducts ensure that warm air is effectively distributed throughout your home, preventing any heat loss. This not only improves the overall comfort of your living space but also helps reduce energy wastage and lower heating costs.

4. Insulate Pipes and Vents:

Protecting your pipes and vents from freezing is crucial in St Louis winters. Frozen pipes can burst, causing extensive damage to your home. Insulating the pipes and vents helps keep them warm and prevents freezing. You can use foam insulation sleeves or wrap towels or blankets around the exposed pipes. Additionally, make sure to close any vents that are not in use to redirect the warm air to the areas that need heating the most.

5. Adjust Thermostat Settings:

During winter, you can save energy and reduce heating costs by adjusting your thermostat settings. Lower the temperature when you’re not at home or while you sleep, and increase it when you’re present. A programmable thermostat allows you to schedule temperature changes automatically. You can also consider investing in a smart thermostat that learns your preferences and optimizes your HVAC system’s performance accordingly.

6. Clear Outdoor Debris:

Before winter arrives, remove any debris, leaves, or branches that may have accumulated around your outdoor HVAC unit. Clearing the area around the unit ensures proper airflow and allows the system to function efficiently. Additionally, make sure there are no obstructions around the unit that could hinder ventilation. Keep the area clean and well-maintained throughout the winter season to prevent any damage or efficiency issues.

7. Consider a System Upgrade:

If your HVAC system is outdated or inefficient, winter may be the perfect time to consider upgrading to a more energy-efficient model. Modern HVAC systems are designed to provide better heating performance while consuming less energy. Investing in a new system can help reduce your energy bills and provide a more comfortable environment during the winter months.


Winterizing your HVAC system in St Louis is essential to ensure optimal performance and comfort during the cold season. Scheduling a maintenance check-up, cleaning and replacing filters, checking and sealing air ducts, insulating pipes and vents, adjusting thermostat settings, clearing outdoor debris, and considering a system upgrade are all important steps to take before winter arrives. By following these tips, you can enjoy a warm and cozy home while saving energy and reducing heating costs.

Need HVAC Services in St. Louis, MO?

Keep cool or stay warm with Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling. Since 1999, Ashley Brothers have been providing residential and commercial services to the St. Louis and Jefferson County area. We specialize in the installation of new equipment, heating and cooling repair, and furnace cleaning. Craftsmanship is important, equipment choice is too. We work with only top brands like Amana, Goodman, York, and McLain. It is understandable that replacing or upgrading your equipment can be daunting. Ask us about financing. We repair all heating and cooling equipment brands. Heating and cooling repairs can happen at random, take advantage of our 24-hour emergency service. Call us today about your concerns.

Reasons Your Furnace is Still Running After Reaching the Set Temperature


During the cold winter months, we rely on our furnaces to keep our homes warm and comfortable. However, there may be times when we notice that our furnace continues to run even after it has reached the set temperature. This can be a cause for concern, as it may indicate that there is an underlying issue with your heating system. In this blog post, we will explore some common reasons why your furnace may still be running after reaching the set temperature.

1. Incorrect Thermostat Settings:

One of the most common reasons why your furnace is still running could be due to incorrect thermostat settings. Ensure that your thermostat is set to the desired temperature and that it is not set to the “continuous” or “fan” mode. In these modes, the fan or heating system will continue to run regardless of the actual temperature in your home. Double-checking your thermostat settings can help resolve this issue.

2. Dirty Air Filters:

Another common culprit for a furnace that keeps running is dirty air filters. Over time, air filters can become clogged with dust, debris, and other particles, inhibiting proper airflow. When the airflow is restricted, it can take longer for your furnace to reach the set temperature, causing it to continue running. Regularly changing or cleaning your air filters can help prevent this from happening and also improve the overall efficiency of your furnace.

3. Thermostat Placement:

The placement of your thermostat can also contribute to your furnace running longer than necessary. If your thermostat is located near a window, vent, or any other source of drafts, it may receive inaccurate temperature readings. This can trick your furnace into thinking that the temperature has not yet reached the desired level, causing it to keep running. Consider relocating your thermostat to a more central area in your home to avoid such issues.

4. Leaky Ductwork:

Leaky ductwork can lead to warm air escaping before it reaches the desired areas of your home. When this happens, your furnace will continue to run in an attempt to compensate for the lost heat. Sealing any leaks in your ductwork can help resolve this issue and improve the efficiency of your furnace.

5. Malfunctioning Thermostat:

If you have ruled out the other common causes and your furnace still runs continuously, it is possible that your thermostat is malfunctioning. A faulty thermostat may not accurately measure the temperature or send the correct signals to your heating system, causing it to run longer than necessary. If you suspect a malfunctioning thermostat, it is advisable to contact a professional HVAC technician to diagnose and replace the thermostat if needed.

6. Oversized Furnace:

An improperly sized furnace can also be a reason why it continues to run after reaching the set temperature. A furnace that is too large for your home will heat it quickly, but it may shut off before the whole space reaches the desired temperature. As a result, the furnace will turn back on soon after, leading to constant cycling. If you suspect that your furnace is oversized, consult a professional to evaluate your heating needs and recommend the appropriate furnace size.


There can be various reasons why your furnace is still running after reaching the set temperature. Checking your thermostat settings, regularly changing air filters, ensuring the proper placement of the thermostat, sealing leaky ductwork, and addressing any thermostat malfunctions are all important steps in troubleshooting this issue. It is also worth considering the size of your furnace to ensure it is appropriate for your home’s heating needs. If you are unsure or unable to identify and address the problem, it is always best to contact a professional HVAC technician to diagnose and resolve the issue to ensure the optimal performance of your furnace.

Need HVAC Services in St. Louis, MO?

Keep cool or stay warm with Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling. Since 1999, Ashley Brothers have been providing residential and commercial services to the St. Louis and Jefferson County area. We specialize in the installation of new equipment, heating and cooling repair, and furnace cleaning. Craftsmanship is important, equipment choice is too. We work with only top brands like Amana, Goodman, York, and McLain. It is understandable that replacing or upgrading your equipment can be daunting. Ask us about financing. We repair all heating and cooling equipment brands. Heating and cooling repairs can happen at random, take advantage of our 24-hour emergency service. Call us today about your concerns.