How to Maintain Your Heater During Summer

As the temperatures rise and the summer season approaches, it may seem counterintuitive to think about maintaining your heater. However, taking the time to care for your heating system during the warmer months can help ensure that it remains in good working condition when the colder weather returns. In this blog, we will discuss how to maintain your heater during summer and why it is important to keep your system in top shape year-round.

Why It Is Important to Maintain a Heater During Summer

While your heater may not be in use during the summer months, regular maintenance is still important to ensure that it is ready to perform when needed. By taking steps to care for your heater during the off-season, you can help extend its lifespan, improve its efficiency, and avoid costly repairs down the line.

How to Care for a Heater During Summer

One of the first steps in maintaining your heater during summer is to clean or replace the air filters. Dirty filters can reduce the airflow through your system, causing it to work harder and less efficiently. By cleaning or replacing the filters regularly, you can improve the efficiency of your heater and help prevent breakdowns.

Another important aspect of caring for your heater during summer is to inspect and clean the ductwork. Over time, dust, debris, and other contaminants can build up in the ducts, reducing airflow and affecting the overall performance of your system. By having your ducts cleaned and inspected by a professional, you can improve the air quality in your home and ensure that your heater is working at its best.

Additionally, it is important to check the thermostat settings on your heater during summer. While you may not need to use your heater to heat your home, it is still important to make sure that the thermostat is set correctly and functioning properly. This can help prevent issues with your heater when you do need to use it in the fall and winter.

During the summer months, it is also a good idea to inspect the area around your heater for any signs of damage or wear. Check for leaks, rust, or other indicators that your system may need repairs or maintenance. By addressing any issues early on, you can prevent more serious problems from developing and ensure that your heater continues to operate efficiently.

Finally, consider scheduling a professional maintenance service for your heater during the summer. A trained technician can inspect your system, clean and lubricate moving parts, check for any potential issues, and make any necessary repairs or adjustments. By having your heater serviced by a professional, you can ensure that it is in good working condition and ready to keep you warm when the colder weather returns.


Maintaining your heater during summer is an important part of keeping your system in top shape year-round. By cleaning or replacing air filters, inspecting and cleaning ductwork, checking thermostat settings, inspecting for damage, and scheduling professional maintenance, you can help extend the lifespan of your heater, improve its efficiency, and avoid costly repairs. Taking the time to care for your heater during the off-season can help ensure that it is ready to perform when you need it most.

Need HVAC Services in St. Louis, MO?

Keep cool or stay warm with Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling. Since 1999, Ashley Brothers have been providing residential and commercial services to the St. Louis and Jefferson County area. We specialize in the installation of new equipment, heating and cooling repair, and furnace cleaning. Craftsmanship is important, equipment choice is too. We work with only top brands like Amana, Goodman, York, and McLain. It is understandable that replacing or upgrading your equipment can be daunting. Ask us about financing. We repair all heating and cooling equipment brands. Heating and cooling repairs can happen at random, take advantage of our 24-hour emergency service. Call us today about your concerns.

How to Prepare Your Furnace for Winter

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As the temperatures start to drop and winter approaches, it’s essential to ensure your furnace is in optimal condition. Preparing your furnace for the cold season can not only improve its efficiency but also help you avoid unexpected breakdowns when you need it most. In this blog post, we will discuss some key steps to take in order to prepare your furnace for winter, ensuring a warm and cozy home during those chilly days and nights.

1. Schedule a Professional Inspection

The first step in preparing your furnace for winter is to schedule a professional inspection. A licensed HVAC technician will thoroughly examine your furnace, checking for any potential issues or necessary repairs. They will clean and lubricate essential components, ensuring maximum efficiency and optimal performance. This inspection will also help identify any safety concerns, such as carbon monoxide leaks, ensuring that your furnace operates safely throughout the winter months.

2. Change the Air Filters

Clean air filters are vital for the efficiency of your furnace. Over time, filters become clogged with dust, debris, and allergens, obstructing proper airflow and reducing heating efficiency. It is recommended to change your filters every 1-3 months, depending on the manufacturer’s instructions and the amount of dust and pet dander in your home. Installing fresh, clean filters will allow your furnace to operate more efficiently and keep the air in your home clean and healthy.

3. Inspect and Clean Air Vents and Ducts

Next, inspect and clean your air vents and ducts. Remove any obstructions, such as furniture or rugs, blocking the airflow. Vacuum the vents to remove dust and debris, ensuring optimal air circulation. If you notice excessive dust buildup or mold growth in your ductwork, it may be time to schedule a professional duct cleaning service. This will not only improve your furnace’s efficiency but also enhance your indoor air quality, reducing allergens and promoting healthy respiratory function.

4. Check and Reset Your Thermostat

Ensure that your thermostat is functioning correctly by testing it before winter arrives. Set the temperature to a higher setting to ensure that your furnace starts and runs smoothly. If your thermostat is outdated or malfunctioning, consider upgrading to a programmable thermostat. These modern thermostats allow you to set different temperature schedules, saving energy when you’re away from home and ensuring optimal comfort when you return.

5. Clean Around Your Furnace

Take some time to clean the area around your furnace. Remove any clutter or debris that could obstruct airflow or pose a fire hazard. Ensure that no flammable items such as paper, cardboard, or chemicals are stored near your furnace. Keeping the area around your furnace clean and clear will help it operate safely and efficiently throughout the winter season.

6. Test Your Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Safety should always be a top priority when it comes to your home heating system. Carbon monoxide is an odorless and colorless gas that can be produced by malfunctioning furnaces, posing a serious health risk. Ensure that you have working carbon monoxide detectors installed near your furnace area and throughout your home. Test the detectors and replace the batteries if necessary. If your detectors are older than five years, consider replacing them to ensure optimal performance.

7. Stock Up on Fuel and Schedule Deliveries

If your furnace runs on fuel such as oil or propane, make sure you have an adequate supply for the upcoming winter season. Contact your fuel provider to schedule deliveries, ensuring that you won’t run out of fuel during the coldest days. It’s always advisable to have a backup supply of fuel in case unexpected circumstances prevent timely deliveries.


By following these steps to prepare your furnace for winter, you can ensure that your heating system operates efficiently and safely throughout the cold season. Regular maintenance, inspections, and cleaning will not only prolong the lifespan of your furnace but also provide you with a warm and comfortable home during those chilly winter months. Stay cozy and stress-free by taking care of your furnace before the cold weather arrives!

Need HVAC Services in St. Louis, MO?

Keep cool or stay warm with Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling. Since 1999, Ashley Brothers have been providing residential and commercial services to the St. Louis and Jefferson County area. We specialize in the installation of new equipment, heating and cooling repair, and furnace cleaning. Craftsmanship is important, equipment choice is too. We work with only top brands like Amana, Goodman, York, and McLain. It is understandable that replacing or upgrading your equipment can be daunting. Ask us about financing. We repair all heating and cooling equipment brands. Heating and cooling repairs can happen at random, take advantage of our 24-hour emergency service. Call us today about your concerns.

Signs Your Furnace May Be Going Out

Close,up,of,air,conditioning,repair,,repairman,fixing,air,conditioningThe cold winter months can be brutal, especially if your furnace isn’t functioning optimally. It’s essential to pay attention to any signs that your furnace may be on its way out, as a malfunctioning furnace can not only leave you uncomfortable but also pose safety risks. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some common signs that indicate your furnace may be going out, helping you address the issue before it becomes a major problem.

1. Inconsistent Heating

If you notice that certain areas of your home are noticeably colder than others, or if you find yourself constantly adjusting the thermostat to maintain a comfortable temperature, it could be a sign that your furnace is starting to fail. A faltering furnace may struggle to distribute heat evenly throughout your home, resulting in cold spots and discomfort. Don’t ignore these temperature inconsistencies, as they could indicate underlying issues with your furnace that need attention.

2. Unusual Noises

While it’s normal for your furnace to make some noise when it kicks on or shuts off, excessively loud or uncommon noises could be a sign of trouble. Banging, rattling, grinding, or squealing sounds coming from your furnace should never be ignored. These noises could indicate loose or damaged parts, a worn-out motor, or even a cracked heat exchanger. It’s crucial to address these issues promptly to prevent further damage and ensure the longevity of your furnace.

3. Increased Energy Bills

If you’ve noticed a significant spike in your energy bills without any corresponding increase in usage, it’s worth investigating whether your furnace is to blame. When a furnace starts to malfunction or becomes inefficient, it often requires more energy to operate properly. This increased energy consumption can lead to higher heating costs. Keep an eye on your energy bills and look for patterns of unexplained increases. If your bills are consistently higher than usual, it may be time to have your furnace inspected.

4. Frequent Repairs

Have you found yourself calling a technician for furnace repairs more often than you’d like? Frequent breakdowns and repairs are a clear sign that your furnace is struggling and may be nearing the end of its lifespan. While routine maintenance and occasional repairs are normal, an aging furnace that requires constant attention can be a significant inconvenience and drain on your finances. In such cases, it’s worth considering the cost-effectiveness of continuous repairs versus investing in a new, more reliable furnace.

5. Yellow or Flickering Pilot Light

If your furnace operates on natural gas, pay close attention to the color and stability of the pilot light. A healthy pilot light should burn blue, indicating that it is receiving the right balance of oxygen and gas. A yellow or flickering pilot light could signify a potentially dangerous situation, such as a gas leak or carbon monoxide imbalance. Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas that can be extremely harmful, even fatal, if not detected and addressed promptly. If you notice a yellow or flickering pilot light, turn off your furnace immediately and contact a qualified technician to assess the situation.

6. Age of the Furnace

Lastly, the age of your furnace is an essential factor to consider. On average, furnaces have a lifespan of around 15 to 20 years. If your furnace is approaching or has exceeded this age range, it’s more likely to experience issues and deteriorate in performance. Even if you haven’t noticed any specific signs of trouble, it may be wise to proactively replace your aging furnace before it fails entirely. Regular maintenance can help extend the life of your furnace, but eventually, the wear and tear will take its toll.


It’s important not to overlook any signs that your furnace may be going out. Inconsistent heating, unusual noises, increased energy bills, frequent repairs, a yellow or flickering pilot light, and the age of your furnace are all indicators that something may be wrong. If you observe any of these signs, it’s advisable to contact a professional HVAC technician to evaluate your furnace’s condition and recommend the appropriate steps to keep your home warm and safe throughout the winter months.

Got Questions? Let Us Help!

Keep cool or stay warm with Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling. Since 1999, Ashley Brothers have been providing residential and commercial services to the St. Louis and Jefferson County area. We specialize in the installation of new equipment, heating and cooling repair, and furnace cleaning. Craftsmanship is important, equipment choice is too. We work with only top brands like Amana, Goodman, York, and McLain. It is understandable that replacing or upgrading your equipment can be daunting. Ask us about financing. We repair all heating and cooling equipment brands. Heating and cooling repairs can happen at random, take advantage of our 24-hour emergency service. Call us today about your concerns.

How to Care for Your Heater in the Summer

How to Care for Your Heater in the Summer

As the warm temperatures of summer settle in, most homeowners often forget about their heaters. After all, why would you need to worry about a heating system when you are enjoying sunny days and balmy nights? However, neglecting your heater during the summer months can lead to problems when winter arrives. Taking care of your heater during the summer is essential to ensure that it functions properly when you need it most. Here are some useful tips to help you care for your heater during the summer season.

1. Clean or Replace the Air Filters

One of the simplest yet most important tasks you can do for your heater is to clean or replace the air filters regularly. During the summer, when your heater is not in use, dust and debris can accumulate in the filters. This buildup can restrict airflow when you eventually turn the heater on again. As a result, your heater may have to work harder, compromising its efficiency and possibly leading to higher energy bills. Cleaning or replacing the air filters at least once a month during the summer will help keep your system running smoothly.

2. Check and Clean the Vents

During the summer months, it’s crucial to inspect your heating system’s vents for any obstructions or debris. Over time, vents can become clogged with dust, pet hair, or other debris, which can impede the flow of warm air when your heater is in operation again. Take a moment to conduct a visual inspection of the vents, and use a vacuum cleaner or a soft brush to remove any buildup. This simple step can improve the airflow and overall performance of your heater.

3. Schedule a Professional Maintenance Visit

While it’s true that your heater doesn’t get much use during the summer, it doesn’t mean you should skip a professional maintenance visit. Having a qualified technician inspect your heater once a year, regardless of the season, is essential for its longevity and efficiency. A professional will check the various components, clean any debris, and perform necessary repairs to prevent more significant problems in the future. Scheduling a maintenance visit during the summer ensures that your heater is ready to keep you warm and comfortable when the colder months arrive.

4. Protect Your Heater from the Elements

Although your heater is built to withstand harsh weather conditions, it’s still a good idea to protect it from the elements during the summer. If your heater is located outdoors, make sure it has a cover or is shielded from direct sunlight, rain, or debris from trees. Exposure to the sun and moisture can cause damage to the unit, reducing its efficiency and lifespan. Additionally, consider clearing any vegetation or debris around the unit to prevent potential obstructions and improve airflow.

5. Ensure Proper Insulation

During the summer, it’s the perfect time to check and improve the insulation in your home. Adequate insulation helps to maintain consistent temperatures and reduce heat loss or gain. It also puts less strain on your heating system when it’s in use, prolonging its lifespan. Inspect the insulation around your home, paying particular attention to areas like the attic, basement, and crawl spaces. If necessary, consider adding more insulation or repairing any damaged sections to create a more energy-efficient and comfortable environment.


By taking care of your heater during the summer months, you can ensure it operates efficiently and lasts for years to come. Cleaning or replacing the air filters, checking and cleaning the vents, scheduling professional maintenance visits, protecting the unit from the elements, and improving insulation are all crucial steps to care for your heater properly. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be well-prepared for those cold winter nights when you need the warmth of your heater the most.

Got Questions? Let Us Help!

Keep cool or stay warm with Ashley Brothers Heating & Cooling. Since 1999, Ashley Brothers have been providing residential and commercial services to the St. Louis and Jefferson County area. We specialize in the installation of new equipment, heating and cooling repair, and furnace cleaning. Craftsmanship is important, equipment choice is too. We work with only top brands like Amana, Goodman, York, and McLain. It is understandable that replacing or upgrading your equipment can be daunting. Ask us about financing. We repair all heating and cooling equipment brands. Heating and cooling repairs can happen at random, take advantage of our 24-hour emergency service. Call us today about your concerns.